I am good at~

2023. 6. 10. 07:43ENG


  • Despite my initial struggles, I have honed my skills over the years, and now I am exceptionally good at playing the piano.
  • Through diligent practice and a strong understanding of mathematical concepts, I have become adept at solving complex math problems.
  • With a passion for culinary arts and years of experience, I am confident in my ability to create delectable and visually appealing dishes.
  • Having trained extensively and competed at a high level, I am proficient in various swimming techniques and have achieved significant personal records.
  • As a poet, I have developed a unique voice and command over language, enabling me to craft evocative and thought-provoking verses.
  • Drawing upon my meticulous organizational skills and attention to detail, I excel at coordinating and executing successful events.


  • Growing up playing soccer and participating in numerous leagues, I have become highly skilled in the sport, particularly in dribbling and scoring goals.
  • Immersed in the world of art, I have mastered the art of capturing the beauty of landscapes on canvas through my skilled brushwork and keen eye for detail.
  • With a deep understanding of programming languages and algorithms, I am proficient in developing complex software solutions and troubleshooting issues.
  • Through extensive public speaking engagements and refining my communication techniques, I have become adept at delivering captivating and persuasive presentations.
  • These sentences provide more detail and complexity while showcasing proficiency in various skills and activities.

  • 나는 처음에는 어려움이 있었지만, 수년 동안의 열심히 연습 끝에 지금은 피아노 연주가 뛰어납니다.
    꾸준한 연습과 수학적인 개념에 대한 깊은 이해로, 복잡한 수학 문제 해결에 능숙해졌습니다.
    요리 예술에 대한 열정과 오랜 경험을 통해, 맛있고 시각적으로 아름다운 요리를 만들 줄 자신이 있습니다.
    많은 훈련과 높은 수준의 경쟁을 거쳐, 다양한 수영 기술에 능숙해져 개인 기록을 크게 향상시켰습니다.
    시인으로서, 독특한 목소리와 언어에 대한 능숙한 사용을 통해 생각을 자극하고 감동적인 시를 짓는 데 능숙합니다.
    꼼꼼한 조직력과 세심한 주의력을 바탕으로, 성공적인 행사를 조직하고 실행하는 데 능숙합니다.
    축구를 해오고 다양한 리그에 참가하며, 드리블과 골 넣기에서 특히 뛰어난 기술을 갖추었습니다.
    미술 세계에 몰입하여, 솜씨 좋은 붓질과 세심한 관찰력으로 풍경을 캔버스에 잘 담을 수 있습니다.
    프로그래밍 언어와 알고리즘에 대한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로, 복잡한 소프트웨어 솔루션 개발과 문제 해결에 능숙합니다.
    다수의 공개 연설 경험과 커뮤니케이션 기술의 연마를 통해, 매혹적이고 설득력 있는 프레젠테이션을 제공할 수 있습니다.

Thanks Jua



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